četvrtak, veljače 15, 2007

Orlovi smrtnoga metala

Eto samo da se pohvalim da mi se Lady Luck malo nasmješila (zajedno s Profil Megastoreom) i podarila mi 2 ulaznice za koncert u Tvornici u ponedjeljak benda Eagles of Death Metal! jahuuuu!
Tako da ću Vam pričati kako je bilo...a evo vam i malo jubitoa da ih vidite ako još niste!

I ako želite ispunite test da vidite koliko ste indie. Ja ispo 67%. Sjebalo me to što nisam neki ekolog i volim SUV ;-)

Broj komentara: 8:

liftboy kaže...

Pa ovi su veći gejovi od sizor sisterz! Metal maj es!

liftboy kaže...

65 odsto!

tati kaže...

76%, njanjanja!
"This test measures a cluster of traits which approximate the indie personality type. Scoring highly suggests you are likely to be very liberal, independent minded, self identify as an outsider, shun materialism and popular culture, and have an aversion to organized religion. While high scorers are more intellectual than average, they are probably more artistically astute than intellectually avante gaurd (i.e. they are more likely to know of new interesting new bands/artists/writers than the best way to extract energy from a hydrogen atom. Low scorers, will generally tend towards the opposite of the above. They will tend to be more materialistic, conservative, corporate friendly, social and are more likely to be religious."
Pa se vi vozite sporcki!

Schnuraya kaže...

43% ma šta to značilo!

Schnuraya kaže...

"Orlovi" ukrali gitaristu Septici?!

bureu kaže...

Elem....75% Indijac

ribafish kaže...

Al cu da krknem 8 tuboraga na koncertu....

salamander kaže...

Eto vidiš Liftađijo...Riba zna šta je dobra mjuza...a ne ko ti - doslovan si ko smrt! Kakav bre metal!